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Reburn Cemetery

Union county cemeteries online

Union County Cemeteries Online
Union County Cemeteries Online
Union Co., Ky Tombstone Transcription Project Chalybeate Springs Cemetery
(Webster County)
If you have a transcription or photos of a tombstone or cemetery for Union County,
please share it with others by emailing Tina

The following cemeteries are ONLY the ones that someone have walked, recorded, and sent in to be placed online. If you know of another cemetery that YOU can record, please let me know. These cemeteries are located in the Union County Archives, not on this site.

Antioch Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Steve M.
Mr. James Blue & Claudette Hope
Maria Troutman
Ruth Ashe
Bethel Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Boxville Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Casey Cemetery (text)
near Caseyville
Tombstone Photos of Casey Cem.
James T. Carrier
Caseyville Cemetery
(IOOF or Odd Fellows Cemetery)
(tombstone photos included)
Cypress Creek Christian Church Cemetery
(also Delany Cemetery listings found here)
(tombstone photos included)
Floyd Cemetery
(no photos)
Laura McDowell
Grangertown Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Hazel Bend Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Debra Kirtley

T.A. Gillespie

Holeman Cemetery
(near Boxville)
(tombstone photos included)
Masonic Cemetery
(Partial with Tombstone photos included)
Shannon Newton
McClure Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Oak Grove Cemetery
(near Walnut Grove)
(tombstone photos included)
Odd Fellows Cemetery
(Partial with Tombstone photos included)
Oddfellows Cemetery
Address to write or call
Photos from Oddfellows Cemetery
Moffitt, Daisy H. & James W.
Shreve, Lionel & Pernie
Shreve, John & Mattie
Smith, Hester L. & Wilfred L.
Smith, Vaden
Nancy Ratay

Melissa Shreve-Owen

Old Bethel Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Pythian Ridge Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Pride Bordley Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Richards Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Rowley Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Danette Duckworth
Salem Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
St. Ann's Cemetery
Partial with photos
Shannon Newton
St Ambrose Cemetery
Partial with photos
Sandra Reynolds & John Lefler
Shannon Newton
Sullivan Community Cemetery
(also called Mt Pleasant)
Partial with photos
Uniontown City Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Unknown Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
(Waller-Omer Rd, Sturgis)
Unknown Cemetery
(near Grove Center)
(Orr tombstones)
Verdaine Hooper
Unknown Cemetery
(near Grove Center)
Verdaine Hooper
Wallace Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Tom Jenkins
Walnut Grove Church of Christ Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)
Woodland Baptist Church Cemetery
(tombstone photos included)

Feature Name ID Latitude Longitude Map Elevation
Bethel Cemetery 486952 373623N 0875850W Sturgis 449
Chatman Cemetery 489375 373811N 0880358W Morganfield 446
Davenport Cemetery 490617 374414N 0875911W Morganfield 443
Givens Cemetery 492870 374338N 0875636W Morganfield 423
Holeman Cemetery 494385 373632N 0875029W Bordley 479
Michael Cemetery 498093 373723N 0880204W Dekoven 436
Mount Olive Cemetery 498786 373719N 0880536W Dekoven 505
Oak Grove Cemetery 499664 373546N 0875014W Bordley 528
Odd Fellows Cemetery 499771 373232N 0880358W Dekoven 509
Rayburn Cemetery 501621 374312N 0875926W Morganfield 440
Richards Cemetery 501797 373408N 0875012W Bordley 463
Saint Agnes Cemetery 502560 374545N 0875546W Uniontown 394
Saint Peters Cemetery 502721 374303N 0874903/w Waverly 463
Salem Cemetery 502773 373704N 0875643W Sturgis 472
Sugg Cemetery 504711 374330N 0875928W Morganfield 430
Uniontown Cemetery 505828 374632N 0875510W Uniontown 430
Waller Cemetery 506150 374247N 0875657W Morganfield 430
Williams Cemetery 506805 374234N 0875927W Morganfield 420
Williams Cemetery 506806 374242N 0875634W Morganfield 413


The above was taken from http://geonames.usgs.gov/. These are all of the cemeteries listed for Union county.