Mills, T. B. 629 Posey, Thomas 499
Mine Accessories 120 Post Bellum Events 160
Mine Office 117 Powell, J. H. 214
Miner's Work 123 Powell, L. W.  173
Mine Slope 115 Powell, W. A.  673
Mine Tipple 121 Prentice, G. A.  216
Mining 115 Presbyterian Church 505
Miscellaneous biographies 813 - 887 Presbyterian Church (Uniontown) 876
Mission in Union County 315 Preston, C. M. 243
Mitchell, F. F.  766 Pritchett's Escape 157
Mitchell, O. M.  834 Proctor, George 103, 628
Mobley, J. H.  767 Pump in Mine 119
Morehead, C. T.  619 - -
Morgan, Daniel 445 Racing 24
Morganfield Charter 451 Railroads 429 - 444
Morganfield, Early Settlement 448 Railroad Tax Burden 793
Morganfield, First house in 57 Raleigh 681
Morganfield M. E. Church 503 Raleigh Precinct 681 - 694
Morganfield Mills 507 "Randolph Brick" 28
Morganfield Ordinances 454 Reasor, Thos 717
Morganfield, Organic History 450 Rehm, Henry 598
Morganfield Precinct 445 - 507 Relics 33, 212, 462, 631
Morganfield Presbyterian Church  505 Relief for Flood Sufferers 355, 802
Morganfield, Town of 448 Religion, Early 297
Morris, W. B. 716 Religious 297 - 330
Morton, H. X.  210 Rhea, H. F.  245, 344
Mosgrove, Herbert 804 Rhea, R. H. C. Jr. 246
Muir, J. W.  495 Rhea, R. H. C. Sr.  244, 341
Mulfordtown 790 Rice, James 629, 656
Murat, Madame 462 Riddle and the Squirrels 25
"My Brother is No More" 653 Riddle Family 39
- Riddle, George W.  40
National Bank of Union County 506 Richards Family 64
Neel, Samuel H. 53 Richards, Lewis 65
Newman, W. P.  672 Richardson's Charge 159
Newman, C. J.  494 Roads 11
Noggle, C. P.  349 Robb, Hugh 634
Noggle, G. W.  347 Roberts, C. H. 673
- - Roberts, E. F.  635
Offutt, J. W.  475 Roberts, J. J. 639, 842
Oglesby, Wm. J.  594 Robertson, L, B.  843
"Ohio" Precinct 78 Roberts, Thos P. 433
Ohio Valley Railway 432 Robertson, G. P.  844
O'Leary, Cornelius 747 Robertson, I. B.  247
O;Malley, C. J.  334 Roberts, W. A.  630, 657
O'Malley, D. B.  747 Rose, C. C.  218
O'Malley, S. M.  339 Rose, Jas. S. 328
Omer, Hardin 595 Rudy, Jas. H. 599
Omer, P. T.  768 Rules of Shotwell Mines 125
O'Nan, H. C.  280 - -
O'Nan, J. T.  841 Sacred Heart Church 319, 324
Opening a Farm 96 Salem Precinct 757 - 770
Organic 69 - 93 School Houses 251
Organization Act of Legislature 69 Scientific 285, 771
Ornithology 290 Seitz, James R. 749
Overby, W. H. 281 Sellars, I. I.  56
Owen, G. R. 692 Shackelford, Benj. 169
Owltown 354 Shanks, M. T.  769
- - Sheep 102
Pack Trains 55 Shelley, S. G.  563
Parker, George 193 Shiloh Precinct 757 - 770
Payne, John 628 Shirran, Helen M. 562
Payne, John S. 654 Shoemaker, G. T.  844
Payne's Horses ? Shooting Matches 25
Peltries 31 Shotwell Mines 114 - 126
Perkins, J. W. 811 Shotwell Mines Officers 124
Perrine, A. M. 693 Sigler, F. J. 674
Pe?rie, J. C.  848 Sigler, J. A.  847
Phillips, Betty 150 Sigler, S. E.  675
Phillips, W. S. 548 Simpson, Geo. B. 600
Pierson, W. W.  596 Simpson, James 601
Pike, Martin 640 Sister's of Charilty in the War 159
Pike, Steven 632 Sister Superiors at St. Vincents 261
Pike, Sylvester 546 Skinner, C. H. 350
Pike, T. J. 655 Skirmishes in Union Co. 158
Pioneer Biography 37 - 68 Smallwood Will Case 864
Pittman, Page 804 Smith, C. C.  602
Platt, Agur 732 Smith, H. H.  219
Poll Books in Old Times 78 Smith, John M. 639, 658

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