Smith, L. L.  718 Uniontown, Princeton and Southern R. R.  431
Smith, Mark 641 United Baptist Church 299
Soil 108 - -
Southerland, W. E.  677 "Valley of Palm" 340
South kentucky Railroad 431 Vize, J. B. 661
Spalding, I. A.  873 - -
Spalding, R. A.  475 Waggener, Andrew 45
Spalding, S. P.  478 Waggener, J. H.  769
Spencer, H. C.  603 Waggener, John M.  486
Spink, Sister Angela 258 Walker, J. M.  487
Springer, David 676 Walker, Thos 750
Springer's Plows 34 Wall, W. B. 877
Spring Grove 683 Wallace Family 67
Squires, L. G. P.  248 Wallace, H. J.  608
St. Ambrose Church 319 Wallace Mine 136
St. Ann Church 320 Wall, John H. 488
Stock, Live 99 Wall, Peterson 852
Stone, W. J. 846 Waller, Dempsey 634
Stone, S. B. 550 Waller Family 857
"Storm on Galilee" 341 Waller, J. K.  609
Story Telling 32 "Waller's" Precinct 78
Sturgis, S. P.  604 Waller, Thos 633
St. Vincent's Academy 257 - 265 Washington's Coffin 462
St. Vincent's Voters 78 Wathen, E. H. 610
Sugg, J. P. 876 Wathen, J. E.  611
Sugg, Wm.  875 Wathen, Wingate 632
Sunday Schools 300 Waverly 636
Sundry, Crimes 426 Waverly Mills 643
Syers, John 605 Waverly Precinct 621 - 663
- - Wells, B. C.  613
Tabular Exhibit of Union County Association 302 Whitecotton, G. H.  614
Talbot, L. L. 605 Whitehead, John 615
Tanning in Old Times 30 Whipping Post 58
Tate, John 607 Wight, Thos 555
Taylor, Harlan 385 Willett, E. C.  634, 752
Taylor, J. C.  249 Willett, F. M.  753
Taylor, J. G.  677 Willett, George 638
Taylor, J. V. 678 Willett, L. C. 754
Taylor, J. W.  847 Willett, Richard 860
Taylor, S. M.  482 Willett, Samuel 633
Taylor, Thos. E.  284 Williams, H. G.  553
Taylor, Wm. T.  552 Williams, J. J.  856
Teachers, Early 265 Williams, S. C. 719
Thomas, J. W.  693 Williams, T. J. 855
Temperance 792 Wilson, Ambrose 624
Thompson, A. J. M.  51 Wilson, R. M. 859
Thompson and the Broken Mill 30 Wilson, T. P. 857
Thompson, J. R.  659 Wimsatt, C. B. 755
Thompson, J. R.  and his Stock 101 Winston, G. V. 854
Threshing in Old Times 104 Wolf Hunting 14
Tobacco Raising 98 Wolflin, Frederick 521
Tompkins, Rifle 13 Woodard, W. P. 720
Towles, Tom 174 Wood's Yankee Cousin 157
Truck, The 11 Woolfe, T. J. 616
Trumbo, O. C.  850 Woolfe, Wm. 365
Turkey Pens 15 "Worthiness" 338
Turner, J. A.  679 Wynn, Wm. W.  326
- - - -
"Ultima Thule" 338 Yates, Henry 662
Underwood, M. J.  282 Young, A. J.  620
Union Academy 496 Young, J. W.  878
Union Men 154 Young, T. B. 489
Uniontown and Morganfield Turnpike 200 Youngs, D. M.  680
Uniontown, Battle of 518 - -
Uniontown Incorporated 511 Zion Church 309
Uniontown Methodist Church 560 Zoology 771
Uniontown Precinct 509 - 565

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