Dr. E.D. Tilford - Dentist

Reported by Katherine F. Berry
Morganfield, Ky
October 23, 1940

Dr. E.D. Tilford, son of W.G. Tilford and Mary Sublet Tilford was born at Cromwell, Ohio County, Kentucky, in 1866, October the 7th.

He attended elementary schools at Cromwell and Beaver Dam. His high school work was also done at Beaver Dam.

In the year 1899 he graduated from the Dental Department in the University at Nashville, Tennessee. He practiced for a short time at Beaver Dam.

In June 1899, he came to locate in Morganfield and has practiced here since then -- forty-one years.

Dr. Tilford was married on May 26, 1898 to Miss Florence Tichenor of Beaver Dam, Kentucky.

He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church.