Dr. H.B. Allen, M.D.

Katherine F. Berry
Morganfield, Ky
October 23, 1940
Dr. Henry B. Allen, son of Dr. J.B. Allen and Etta Mattingly Allen, was born at Sulphur Springs five miles east of Morganfield on September 9, 1873.
He attended school at Boxville in the elementary grades. He graduated from Morganfield High School in 1893. He then attended Bryant and Stratton Business University at Louisville, graduating from there in 1899. After this he entered medical College in Louisville and graduated from there in 1903.
Dr. Allen entered practice in Morganfield in 1903, July 2nd, and has been in general practice in the county since then.
He married Miss Elizabeth Martha Hammack, also of Union County.
Mr. Allen has been a member of the Catholic Church since he was eighteen years of age.