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Pride School

-Class of 1931-

Pride Station, Union County, KY

Hazel Ray -- Teacher

Front Row Left to Right Second Row Left to Right Third Row Left to Right
Charles Richard Estes Darrell Kanipe Bill Nall
Alphadean Nall R.W. Bell C.W. Hibbs
R.H. Jones Jr. Mary Jesse Nall Essel Doris "Peg" O'Neal
Alice Ragsdale Nelson Farthing Toby Arnold
Lottie Fulcher Joe Page  Thelma Strouse
Grace Freer J.W. Heffington Virginia Lou Slaton
Junior Heffington Woodrow Hodge Mary Freer
J.W. Vaughn Lois Kanipe Horace Farthing
James Horne Virginia Duncan Hazel Ray -- Teacher
Jack Freer Hallie Horne Happy Fox
Harold Vaughn Burtis Christison Catherine Farthing
Sam Wells Curtis Christison Sylvia Page
Liston Strouse Allen Freer
Charles Woodring
Charles Wells
Owen Ray Fulcher