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Little Union School

-Abt. 1928-

Two room School

Grades one - eight

Miss Sallie Washington taught the lower grades

Miss Eliza Campbell taught the upper grades

First Row Left to Right 

Second Row Left to Right

Third Row left to Right

Forth Row Left to Right

Joe Mills Shirley Carrier Unknown
Rosser Smith Clyde Smith Sherman Carrier Joy Girten
Carl Richard Utley Elrena Wright Lee McBride Frances Mills
J.C. Hancock Raz Odom Lulu Mae Nally Deliah Alvey
Quincy Odom Harold Alley Evelyn Whitledge Clarence Hays
Orville Fellows Paul Bernard Utley Roberta Shields Miss Sallie Washington
Unkown Givins Hopel Nally Tommy Lee Hancock Miss Eliza Campbell
Edna Earle Hancock Florence Callender Essel Ray Fellows Viola Hays
Helen Jones H.D. Fellows Lorene Callender Doyce Hancock
Elizabeth Stegar Pauline Alvey
Casey Mills