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Hite School

1933-1934 School Year

27 Students Grades one thru eight

Teacher-- Marietta Pike

Bottom Row left to Right

Middle Row left to Right

Top Row left to Right

Noots Fenwick Agnes Hite Marie Fenwick
Gordon McBride Ella Mae Nally Edna Catherine "Babe" Byrnes 
J.W. "Buddy" Fenwick  Wynema "Tommie" Scott Virginia Fenwick
David Moore Libby Hite Susan Hite
Carroll "Hunky" Cavins  Ruth Hite Marietta "Sis" Pike -- Teacher
Edward Fenwick Mary Frances "Faye" McBride  Julia Graham
Lonnie Moore Clarence Hite Martha Dixon Blake
Malcolm "Mac" Hite  Rudolph Nally Joe Cavins
Bernard Hite Benjamin "Benny" Graham  James Lloyd "Jim" Moore 
Monroe "Zooter" Moore 

Thanks to Mary Ann Stevens, for correcting some names in this photo.

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