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Caseyville School

1915-1916 School Year

Teacher-- Lillian Gill

Handwritten names on back

Bottom Row left to Right

2nd Row left to Right

3rd Row left to Right

Top Back Row left to Right

Acker Orr Henry Simpson Sable Simmons Kathryn Bricka
Warford Walters Cecil Wagner Maudie Pearl Collins Annie Louise Buckham
Buddie Hodges Russell Starkey Emma Metz Jessie May Starkey
Roy Hall Alva Jackson Ruby Milligan Opha Huff
Ferdinand Metz Kelsey Benedict Effie Dell Davis Icie Belle Heine
Johnny Wright Lillian McIntyre Ruby McIntyre Lottie Reddick
Edd Ames Margaret Orr Ida Mae Simmons Verble Fleig
Courtney Greer Ethel Morris Marie McIntyre Hazel Sylvia
William Watters Opal Jackson Teacher - Lillian Gill  
  Joe D. Reddick    
  Charles Reddick