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Caseyville School
1915-1916 School Year
Teacher-- Lillian Gill
Handwritten names on back
Bottom Row left to Right
2nd Row left to Right
3rd Row left to Right
Top Back Row left to Right
Acker Orr |
Henry Simpson |
Sable Simmons |
Kathryn Bricka |
Warford Walters |
Cecil Wagner |
Maudie Pearl Collins |
Annie Louise Buckham |
Buddie Hodges |
Russell Starkey |
Emma Metz |
Jessie May Starkey |
Roy Hall |
Alva Jackson |
Ruby Milligan |
Opha Huff |
Ferdinand Metz |
Kelsey Benedict |
Effie Dell Davis |
Icie Belle Heine |
Johnny Wright |
Lillian McIntyre |
Ruby McIntyre |
Lottie Reddick |
Edd Ames |
Margaret Orr |
Ida Mae Simmons |
Verble Fleig |
Courtney Greer |
Ethel Morris |
Marie McIntyre |
Hazel Sylvia |
William Watters |
Opal Jackson |
Teacher - Lillian Gill |
Joe D. Reddick |
Charles Reddick |