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Boxville School

First, Second and Third Grader's in 1928

Miss Marian V. Berry -- teacher

If you can identify anyone else, please Email Tina Hall

Bottom Row Left to Right Middle Row Left to Right Top Row Left to Right
Woodrow Goodrum Carma Lillian Devine Henry Howard
Dorothy Blue   Ilyne Railey
  Margaret O'Daniel Nancy Halfacre
Lilly White Riggs Landon Jenkins Garvin Springer
Ed Halfacre Helen Jenkins __________ Freels
  Ruth Allen Below J.W. Householder
Joyce Riggs Mason O'Bryant Charles Evans
Gertie Below Ralph Householder Burton Blue
Imogene Railey Joe Nelson Jenkins Wilma Jenkins
Grace Duncan Evelyn Cartwright Morris D. Riggs Jr.
Anna Evans Martha Lee Blue Verble Springer
Lucille Cartwright Dickie Blue Bob Willett
Junior Railey