By Wm H Newman; M J Clements; G W Cambron, 1886

who, with his twin brother Arthur, is running the Stone farm in Shiloh Precinct, is the son of Benjamin Porter and Mary Elizabeth (Banks) Stone. His father was born in Union County December 11, 1829. He was a prosperous farmer and owned some 500 acres of good land. In Union County January 20, 1853, he married, and August 24, 1874, died. Mr. Stone had been a member of the Christian Church for many years.

Subject's mother was born in this county April 18, 1837, and is the mother of two pairs of twins, all living and fine specimens of manhood. Our subject and his brother are the oldest pair. The children in all are as follows: Isaac married Kate Henry,  and had two children; Douglas married Maggie Teer, and has one child; Arthur and Walter, twins; Luke and Lee, also twins; Ruth Natty (dead), and Dorothy. Subject's paternal grandparents were Stephen and Dorothy (Sullivan) Stone, born in Virginia. His maternal grandparents were John and Sallie (Wheeler) Banks, born in South Carolina in 1812. The former died in Webster County May 30, 1874.

Walter J, our subject, was born at the old home place in this county January 15, 1865, and has received some two years' training in the Shiloh schools. In politics he is a sound Democrat. The nice neat frame on the farm of 452 acres was built in 1878, and is tasteful and neat, having six rooms, a hall and porch. Their out buildings are good and  and well arranged. For a family so large they are a remarkable lot of boys and girls, all quiet, peaceable and temperate, and highly respected in their community.