A well-to-do farmer of what is called Pike's Peak, near
Uniontown, is the son of Joseph W. and Jane (Griffin) Drury, of Marion County,
Kentucky. Joseph was born 1814, came to Union when very young and married here
in 1838, and was one of the pioneers of the county. His wife, Jane, was born in
Marion County in 1819, came to Union when very young; she died in Union County
in 1870. His paternal grandfather was born in Virginia. Our subject was born in
Union County October 14 1841. Here in 1865 he married Miss Kate Hardesty. Mrs.
Drury was born in Union County, Kentucky, in 1834, and is the daughter of
Charles and Mary (Riney) Hardesty, both of Marion County, but are of the
pioneer settlers of this county. Her father died when she was but eighteen
months old; her mother was born in 1783 and is still living, she now having
reached the advanced age of one hundred and three years; she is now both blind
and deaf but in splendid health. The old lady's memory as to occurences of the
long ago is the very best.
Subject has only received about six months' education in
all, but leaves the impression of a man with more than ordinary training. He
has four children: Magdaline married Lloyd McBride a farmer in Uniontown
precinct and has two children, Robert and the baby; subject's children at home
are Jennie Florence, Sue Emma and Alburn.
Subject enlisted in the Confederate army at Madisonville,
Kentucky, in 1862, under Johnson. He was in several spirited little fights,
namely: Uniontown, Geiger's Lake, Madisonville, Owensboro and Clarksville;
after his return home, at the close of the war, he was arrested and taken to
Henderson and impresoned and there tried for his life by the Federal
authorities, but came clear.
Mr. Drury is a genuine Democrat and has held the office of
School Trustee for several years; he owns 63 3/4 acres of fine land near
Uniontown, which is all cleared and in a high state of cultivation on which is
his dwelling, a nice frame built in 1872. Subject has been a member of the
Catholic Church all his life.
Subject has but one brother, Martin Francis, who married
Kate Mills and is living in the same precinct. Mrs. Hardesty, subject's
mother-in-law, is living to enjoy the society and hear the prat** of her great,